
  • Build a registration schedule that fits your team and your process.
  • Designed for teams of any size with unlimited registrations and flexible scheduling options, and multiple training locations.
  • Maximize registrations through capacity sharing.
  • USA Swimming SWIMS 3.0 integration.
  • Includes features to simplify Swimming Canada (SNC) registrar procedures.
registration logo

Privacy and security

We respect your membership's privacy.


No tracking cookies. No beacons. No ads. No corporate information sharing.

privacy logo

Content Management

Create your team's web presence with an easy to use page building tool, suitable for novice to advanced site designers. An unlimited number of pages can be created, including backup protection and rollback capabilities.

Site content is search engine optimized (SEO) and mobile friendly.

content management logo

Event Management

Integrate team events and attendance for your membership.
Include job functions and track completion with your team's point system.

Includes Hy-Tek meet entry compatibility.

Includes Splash Meet Manager meet entry compatibility

Pro Shop

Team merchandise sales and promotion.

Record Keeping

Keep your members engaged and focused on performance.
Promote improvement through goal setting and personal bests.
Member results from Swimming Canada fully integrated.

Everything included


Flexible scheduling, unlimited registrations.

Progress reports

Create progress reports for all of your groups.

Pro Shop

Event management

Record keeping

Swim meet results and rankings fully integrated.

Payment Processing & Accounting

One-click integration with popular payment processors.


Stay informed by soliciting feedback from your membership.


Communication options for coaches and administrators.